5 Reasons to Ditch Your Toxic Antiperspirant

detoxification heavy metals lymphatic system non-toxic beauty non-toxic skincare skin health Apr 07, 2020

You might think that something as minor as applying deodorant or antiperspirant once a day can’t have an impact on your health, but it does. If you think of all the products you use on a daily basis, and all the chemicals in those products, your chemical exposure adds up very, very quickly. Switching to a natural, non-toxic deodorant is an easy, inexpensive change you can make to better your health and feel good about!


Heavy Metals Should Not Be Taken Lightly

It’s great that more people are becoming aware of the harmful effects of aluminum and that more companies are providing aluminum-free deodorants. Aluminum is a heavy metal used in antiperspirants to plug up sweat ducts, but being sweat-free doesn’t come without consequences. This heavy metal is toxic to the brain and nervous system and may contribute to neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It also increases our toxic burden and is known as a genotoxin, which may trigger DNA mutations and contribute to cancer formation.


Avoid Them for a Stronger Immune System

The Lymphatic system is your secondary circulatory system and is extremely important for your health and immunity. It carries pathogen-fighting white blood cells and other important substances throughout your body, while aiding in the elimination of toxins. Ingredients in deodorant and other cosmetics congest the lymphatic system, straining immune function, therefore increasing your chances of getting hit with infections. Additionally, Cyclopentasiloxane, an ingredient found in a popular deodorant brand, has been linked to brain toxicity and tumour formation in rats. BHT, which is also found in food, is connected with the formation of liver cancer in animals and is a significant allergen.


Switch Your Deodorant For Breast Health

What does your deodorant have to do with your breast health? A lot! There are big clusters of lymphatic tissue in the breasts and when you apply chemical-laden deodorants to your armpits, especially those containing aluminum, these toxins enter the bloodstream and lymphatic system and drain down into the chest. This can create lymphatic congestion and lead to unhealthy breast tissue. Supporting your lymph and avoiding antiperspirants are important preventative measures for avoiding breast cancer.


Sweating is Healthy & Detoxifying!

Sweating is a normal, very healthy part of being human and your skin is a MAJOR detox organ! When we apply antiperspirants, we are blocking our body’s ability to sweat out toxins and naturally cleanse. The more toxins we consume and apply to our bodies, the harder our detoxification organs, such our liver, have to work and the more likely we will develop health issues as a result.


Ditch Your Conventional Deodorant for Balanced Hormones

Having balanced hormones is essential for a balanced mind, fertility, clear skin, gut health, etc. and your personal care products can have a big impact! Some ingredients linked to hormone imbalances include phthalates, parabens, triclosan, fragrance and dipropylene glycol. Deodorants are not the only products containing harmful ingredients, they’re found in make-up, lotions and many other products. For more info read my article 11 Dangerous Chemicals You’re Likely Using Everyday!


Ways to Stink Less!

If you’re toxic internally you will stink a lot more! Your skin is a crucial way your body removes toxins, so improving your diet, digestion, hydrating and sweating more will help you cleanse better on a daily basis, eventually stinking less.


Have you made the switch yet? Comment below your favourite clean deodorant brands!


Asher Kleiber

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™







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