5 Root Causes of Adrenal Fatigue

adrenal fatigue energy food sensitivities gut health inflammation Oct 31, 2021
5 root causes of adrenal fatigue

If you’re struggling with fatigue and think you might have adrenal fatigue, I’m sure you’re dying to know what actually causes it. The answer in short is.. a lot of things! The root cause can vary from person to person, depending on diet, lifestyle, stress levels, environment, and to a lesser degree, genetics.


Hidden, Low Grade Inflammation

Hidden, chronic inflammation is a major stress on the adrenal glands, causing them to become overstimulated, stressed and eventually worn out, resulting in low energy. Reducing inflammation is very important for this reason and we can do that in a variety of ways. An anti-inflammatory diet that's rich in phytonutrients from plant foods, the right anti-inflammatory meats, such as grass-fed beef and anti-inflammatory fats is important. Additionally, removing refined sugar and refined oils is the best way to begin reducing inflammation.


Hidden Allergies & Sensitivities

I say "hidden" sensitivities because they're not always obvious, in fact that can be quite difficult to figure out if you’re sensitive to a food you eat frequently. Especially when someone has been dealing with chronic fatigue, there will always be some underlying food-related sensitivity. When we have reactions to foods (or chemicals), such as joint pain, headaches, skin rashes, acne, fatigue, depression, anxiety, etc., a leaky gut lining is always at the source and we must address our gut health in order to overcome sensitivities. It can take time, but changing the diet, clearing pathogens, rebalancing and healing the gut lining with supplements and lifestyle are key factors that promote healing. Common sensitivities include gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, corn and peanuts.


Chronic Infections & Gut Dysbiosis

Other common causes of fatigue are chronic infection, gut imbalances and toxins. Symptoms of chronic infection aren't limited to digestive problems or frequent illnesses. They can appear as fatigue, joint pain, headaches, skin rashes, food intolerances, hormonal imbalances, mental health issues, sinus or ear infections, yeast infections, itchy skin and more. When our immune system is constantly on red alert fighting infections and toxins, that leaves very little energy left over for living! Working on the gut and supporting immunity is key for overcoming fatigue.


Stress, Fear & A Negative Mindset

Stress is unavoidable, and honestly it's not always a bad thing! There can be good forms of stress, such as intermittent fasting, exercise and cold therapy. But if we constantly find ourselves worrying about the future, about feeling unwell, about finances and so on, we end up in a constant state of dis-ease. We were never meant to live in a panicked state and it's time that we take back our mind and get our thoughts off of the fear and panic and on the good things in life. We will never feel well and have the energy we want when we're living in fear. I’m not saying ignore reality, but when you find yourself dwelling on fearful things, make a conscious effort to shift your focus.


Nutrient Deficiencies & Blood Sugar

Apart from creating inflammation, a nutrient-depleted diet high in sugars and processed foods will create deficiencies and blood sugar dysregulation. Those energy spikes and crashes you feel during the day are often related to your diet spiking and crashing blood sugars and insulin. Poor gut health also leads to nutrient deficiencies such as iron, B12, other B vitamins, coQ10 and other key nutrients necessary for energy production.


Are you ready to start exploring these factors of fatigue for yourself? Don’t wait to address them!


Asher Kleiber

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™


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