My Tips for Choosing Healthier MeatπŸ„

anti-inflammatory foods grass-fed beef gut healing foods organic Apr 30, 2024
My Tips for Choosing Healthier Meat!πŸ„


Choose Grass-fed AND grass-finished beef. 🌱

Grass is a cow’s natural diet and the meat will have a better omega-3:omega-6 ratio, making it anti-inflammatory instead of inflammatory (unlike factory-farmed, grocery store meat). When a cow is feed grains (used to fatten the animal to make more profit) it’s highly inflammatory for us.

Tip: Often if it says “grass-fed” they can still finish with grains 🌾, so be aware of this and try to choose 100% grass-fed.

Choose Organic meat and chicken that’s free from: hormones, antibiotics, steroids & animal by-products. Ideally corn and soy-free is great also!


C H I C K E N  &  E G G S 🍳

Choose organic, pasture-raised, free-range chickens and eggs. Grains are fine for chickens, but you want chickens that are able to roam free and forage.

Pasture-raised eggs are what you want. This chickens are actually able to roam freely outside without being confined to a barn. Cage-free and free-run are NOT the same as pasture-raised. Just names they like to slap on packing to make them seem like the chickens are in a good environment. They can be "cage-free" but still jammed inside a tiny, unsanitary living space on top of one another.



I'm not a huge fan of eating pork because pigs don't have as good of a lymphatic system and they don't sweat, which a crucial part of the detox process!! But if you choose to eat pork, as I do on occasion, choose organic and products without nitrates, gluten or sugars.

*Remember: the health of the animal and living environment matters because you're eating that animal! If the animals are in high-stress, toxic environments and sick, that will make their meat sick too.


Know your farmer, have a conversation and come with questions! Treat it like an interview πŸ™‚ 




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