How to Set and Stick to Your New Year's Goals

Jan 1, 2019 new years.JPG

Have you made New Years resolutions in the past only to drop off by February? While only about 40% of people make New Years resolutions, a very small percentage actually go on to achieve their goals. Here are 10 steps you can follow to hit your 2019 goals! 


Be Specific  

When choosing your goal for the new year, be as specific as possible. Vague goals like “get healthy” or “grow my business” will not provide the direction you need stick to it in the long run. Once you’ve chosen, write it somewhere you’ll see it and be reminded often. 


Find Your “Why”  

Whatever your main goal for 2019 is, you will not succeed without a strong reason for wanting to change this area of your life. What is going to drive you to accomplish this goal? It should come down to purpose, give you a vision and expand your idea of success.  


 Look Back, But Just for a Moment 

Now that you’ve chosen your goal, think about why you haven’t already achieved it. What has been holding you back from reaching this new level of success? Is it an issue of priorities, poor time management, or lack of knowledge or guidance? Acknowledge these challenges so you can move past them, without dwelling on previous mistakes. 


 Dream Big, But Start Small 

Break down your goal into smaller, more achievable goals. You’ll be less overwhelmed, and with small, frequent success, more likely to continue. If your goal is health-related, start by tracking your water intake and make simple daily goals that bring a sense of accomplishment. 


Set a Plan for Action – Then Walk it Out!  

Want to eat healthier or lose weight? Set up a meeting with a nutritionist, personal trainer or someone who will provide guidance and support. Create a routine that sets you up for success; by following this daily, you will create healthy habits that will help you reach your goals.  


Think, Speak and Visualize Your Way to Success  

Meditate on encouraging quotes or words, speak positively, and visualize the end result. By doing this, you can literally rewire your brain (known as neuroplasticity), and change your situation. These tools often go unused, but can be very powerful in any area of life. 


 Track Your Progress  

Keep a journal to track your progress as you move toward your goal. Write down your accomplishments, even if they’re small. What obstacles came your way and how did you overcome them? 


Surround Yourself With the Right People  

Involve someone in your journey who will support you and help you stay on track, preferably someone with similar goals. Surrounding yourself with people on a similar path can make a major difference in your ability to succeed in that area. Just make sure they’re uplifting and motivated to change as much as you are! 


 Expect Challenges, but Stay Positive 

Expect that challenges may come, and don’t be surprised when things don’t always go according to plan. Stay focused, positive and keep your purpose in mind. Don’t forget to celebrate the little victories, overtime you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come! 


 Reassess Your Goals  

Lastly, reassess your goals throughout the year and continue to make changes as you see fit. What you thought to be most important originally may change as time goes on, but that doesn’t mean you need to fall off track. It’s okay to change your direction, just keep moving forward! 


Is your goal to lose weight this year? In my next article I’m talking about factors that affect weight that may surprise you, and how you can take steps towards healthy weight loss! 

Asher Kleiber 

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™  


Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.

— Henry Ford