All About GI-MAP Digestive Testing: What It Is & Why You Need It


**Please note that I am no longer offering digestive testing at this time.

Why Gut Health Matters

It is well-known that the gut is at the centre of our health. The gut microbiome is a complex mini ecosystem within our bodies that influences every area of our health, from digestive wellness to mental health, to weight loss and cardio health, to skin health and energy. There is no system in the body that goes unaffected by the gut. No matter what area of concern my clients have, we’re always coming back to their gut health.

What is GI-MAP?

GI-MAP stands for Gastro-Intestinal Microbial Assay Plus and it is the most comprehensive digestive test on the market today. It utilizes the gold-standard of qPCR testing, a highly specific and accurate form of testing which assess for the DNA of microbes, including bacteria, yeast and parasites that conventional stool tests often miss.

Why Is Quantification Using qPCR Testing So Important?

The utilization of qPCR testing allows us to test not only the type of microbe present, but it provides highly accurate quantification, showing how much of a microbe is present, with high levels of sensitivity and specificity. This enables us to assess your microbiome much more accurately and create a highly specific and personalized protocol for you.

Who Would Benefit from GI-MAP Testing?

In short, EVERYONE. While you may only think of running GI-MAP if you’re experiencing digestive issues like bloating or loose stools, in reality if you have any symptom or condition, GI-MAP testing would be beneficial.

Consider GI-MAP if you struggle with any of the following issues:

  • Any chronic digestive symptom (for 6 months or more), such as bloating, gas, heartburn, reflux or GERD, ulcers, IBS, constipation, diarrhea or IBD.

  • Severe acute digestive symptoms, such as vomiting, food poisoning or diarrhea.

  • Food sensitivities or allergies

  • Skin conditions, including acne, psoriasis and eczema

  • Mood issues, including anxiety and depression

  • Hormonal imbalances, such as PMS, hypothyroidism, PCOS or adrenal issues.

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Brain fog or poor memory

  • Insomnia or trouble sleeping

  • Diabetes

  • Weight issues

  • Pain conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia

  • Poor immune health, colds and flus or frequent infections, including yeast infections or UTIs

Why I Use GI-MAP in My Practice

There’s a saying amongst natural health practitioners: “Test, don’t guess!”

The same symptom can have numerous underlying causes, so it’s always best to run the proper tests so we can uncover exactly what’s going on with each individual person.

What Exactly Does GI-MAP Test For?

When we run your GI-MAP, you’ll receive a 5-page print out with your results. This is what we test for:


Pathogens include bacterial, parasitic and viral infections. These are disease-causing infections that are commonly associated with more severe symptoms, such as chronic diarrhea, vomiting and pain.

Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori)

This is a very common overgrowth infection we see in the stomach. H. Pylori is associated with food poisoning, stomach pain, upper GI bloating, a knawing pain in the stomach especially in the morning, burping, acid reflux, heartburn and GERD and can cause stomach ulcers and even cancer in later stages if it’s not addressed.

Commensal/Keystone Bacteria:

These are your good bacteria. Oftentimes these bacteria are either too low or too high, which is common in those with dysbiosis, or an overgrowth of SIBO or bad bacteria. Low commensal bacteria can result in symptoms inside and outside the gut.

Opportunistic/Overgrowth Microbes (Dysbiosis)

This area on GI-MAP shows many different types of bacteria, which would commonly be known as “dysbiosis”. We can assess small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), inflammatory and autoimmune-related bacteria. It’s common to see bacterial imbalances here in people with bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, skin problems, allergies, autoimmunity and more.


Candida overgrowth is an extremely common type of yeast that we can test on GI-MAP. Responsible for IBS-like symptoms, including gas, bloating and food sensitivities, as well as hormonal imbalances, dandruff, skin rashes, yeast infections, athlete’s food and oral thrush (white coated tongue).


Parasites are also very common, believe it or not! They can hide in the gut causing damage to the gut lining and throughout the body. Some common symptoms include loose stools (although not always), itchy skin, IBS, cystic acne, weight loss (or gain), anxiety, depression, teeth grinding, allergies, anemia and insomnia.

Intestinal Health Markers

This section is very beneficial, as it shows a variety of digestive-related markers. We can assess things like liver and hormone detoxification, fat digestion, pancreatic function, immune function, inflammation, gluten sensitivity and blood in the stool.

How Does the Test Work?

Inside the Gut Restore Deep Dive program, you will be shipped your GI-MAP to complete a single stool test in the comfort of your home. Once you’ve performed the test, you’ll schedule your Fed-Ex pick up and your sample will be shipped to the lab in the US for assessment. Turn-around time is approximately 2 weeks.

“I’ve already had tests done by my doctor and they were negative, why should I run GI-MAP?”

This is a very common question I get when talking to new clients. By the time women come to see me, they’ve often had numerous tests run by their medical doctor, including bloodwork and stool tests, but on paper nothing seems to be wrong, even though they still feel terrible. Bloodwork is helpful, but because the blood is very good at regulating itself, issues like infections or imbalances are often missed, oftentimes for decades, while the person suffers.

GI-MAP helps us get a much more accurate picture of what is going on in the gut microbiome long before infections or overgrowths get severe enough to show up on conventional blood work or stool tests.

“What If I’ve Already Had a Scope or Colonoscopy?”

If you’re considering getting more invasive tests, such as a scope or colonoscopy, or you’ve already had these tests done, this is all the more reason to run GI-MAP. If inflammation was present, it’s likely you still don’t know what’s causing it. This test will help you better understand what could be causing the inflammation and help you uncover how to create a path to healing. Even if it didn’t pick up anything, if you’re experiencing symptoms, you don’t want to ignore them.

Wondering if the Gut Restore Deep Dive with GI-MAP is right for you? Book your free call to talk with me directly!

I would be honoured to help you in your gut healing journey.

Asher Kleiber

Registered Holistic Nutritionist