4 Toxins To Avoid in Everyday Foods (Including inflammatory fats)


In addition to sugar and refined carbohydrates, there are a lot of additives that we tend not overlook or not even notice have been added to our packaged foods. But wait, even if you “don’t eat processed foods”, you’re likely still getting these toxins in your diet.


Glyphosate was originally used to prevent pipes from corrosion. Did you know that? It’s sprayed on foods to kill weeds and acts as an antibiotic. The problem with this, is that we are MORE BACTERIA THAN HUMAN CELLS! Yes, That statement deserves the all-caps urgency.

Glyphosate is something we should never be ingesting, yet it’s sprayed heavily on all non-organic farming and has even seeped into organic farming due to soil and water contamination. That’s why we must be adamant about keeping it out of our diet as much as possible.

Antibiotics & Hormones

These types of drugs (and others) are hidden in all conventional meats, not just in processed deli meats (although those have more added toxins to watch out for). Antibiotics are anti-life, truly, they’re there to kill living things (specifically bacteria) and they are used excessively in conventional farming due to unsanitary living conditions. Hormones are used to make the animals larger, boost output and sales, which comes at a cost to our health. These hormones aren’t completely eliminated during the animals’ life, but they are transferred to the meat we eat.

Does this mean we need to throw in the towel and never eat meat? Absolutely not!!! But we need to know how to choose our meat wisely, without getting fooled by marketing terms, which I’ll teach you all about during my Shop Like A Nutritionist Grocery Tour on October 13th.


Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is an extremely common artificial flavour enhancer that you may have heard about by now. It’s known as an excitotoxin to neurons - meaning it literally excites your brain cells to death. It’s also been linked to anxiety, depression, brain fog, allergies, headaches and more.

Maybe you know you should avoid it, but do you know where it’s hiding to be able to do so? I’ll be talking about this in more detail, including 40 different names for MSG during the event.

Industrial Seed Oils

Ah industrial seed oils. Since the 50’s, they have bombarded our diets and are still even promoted as healthy alternatives to animal fats. Unfortunately, they’re toxic to our cells. Not only are they highly inflammatory and increase the amount of inflammation in the body due to high levels of omega-6 fatty acids, but they are a very poor replacement for healthy saturated fats nutritionally.

You may wonder, if industrial seed oils are so bad for our health, why are they in everything?

They’re cheap.

We’re talking soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil and anything hydrogenated. These should not be part of our diet.

In my Shop Like A Nutritionist Grocery Tour, I’m going to teach you which foods you should prioritize purchasing organic and which ones you don’t need to as often.

I’ll also be talking about the best quality meat to buy, where I get mine and the low-down on plant-based proteins and “food” made from them. (P.S. they’re not the best option for gut-health).

I’ll be giving away my personal shopping guide and teaching you how to spot hidden MSG and many other toxic ingredients on labels, including hidden names for gluten and hormone-disrupting chemicals.

As well as how to avoid industrial seed oils and better options!

Spaces are limited, click here to sign up now!

Asher Kleiber

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™
