9 Natural Remedies for Anxiety and Depression

June 1, 2019 Natural Remedies for Anxiety and Depression Photo.JPG

Are you looking for natural tools to help with anxiety or depression that don’t involve medications with harsh side effects? There are many ways we can support our mental health naturally and move towards healing the root cause of these issues. 


Ditch The Sugar 

Refined sugar slows brain function, increases brain inflammation and creates blood sugar imbalances, which underlie anxiety and depression. Sugar also alters gut bacteria, interfering with serotonin and dopamine production. Swap out high-sugar processed foods, refined carbohydrates and sugary drinks for whole foods (preferably without an ingredient list!) and natural sweeteners like fruit and raw honey. Be sure to avoid artificial sweeteners and check ingredient labels for sneaky hidden sugars and the common neurotoxin MSG. 


Consume Good Fats & Protein 

Essential fatty acids from sources such as different seeds, walnuts, olives and fatty fish are critical for brain function and mood. Studies have demonstrated the consumption of fish oil to have significant improvements in depressed patients. Eating complete protein sources such as from chicken, fish or a combination of plant-based proteins are also important for brain communication and hormone production. Lastly, consuming protein, fats and fibre at every meal will help keep blood glucose levels stable. 



A diet high in antioxidant-rich vegetables and some fruits will provide necessary nutrients for brain health. Leafy green vegetables are chocked full of antioxidants and contain high levels of B vitamins, magnesium and other phytonutrients. 


Cut The Caffeine 

This is one coffee-lovers don’t like hearing, but removing caffeine can make a big difference when dealing with an unstable mood! Both alcohol and caffeine consumption can be linked to higher levels of anxiety and depression. 


Food Allergies 

Undetected food allergies or sensitivities are often underlying factors in mental health issues due to their ability to set off the immune system, creating widespread inflammation as well as gut and brain dysfunction. Food sensitivity blood tests can be done, but it is extremely important to listen to your body and take note of any potentially triggering foods, even days after consumption. Gluten and dairy are the most common triggers. 



I think we’ve all heard that exercise produces endorphins that make us feel great! Did you also know that regular exercise has proven to be equally as effective as antidepressants? 



Calming herbs such as chamomile, hops, passion flower and valerian root can be great tools in reducing anxiety; ashwaganda also helps the body adapt to stress. Both 5-HTP and St. John’s Wort have been shown to be as effective in treating depression as prescribed antidepressants. In addition, magnesium has been found to be an effective treatment for anxiety, depression and other brain-related symptoms. Probiotics, vitamin D3 and omega-3s play important roles, while B vitamins are essential for methylation, a process which balances brain chemistry. Plus, essential oils like lavender, frankincense, vetiver and citrus oils all have mood-enhancing effects. 


Breathing & Meditation 

Both deep breathing and meditation calm the nervous system and switch your body into its “rest-and-digest” healing state. Focusing on taking long breaths in and out of your nose or Alternate Nostril Breathing will help bring peace to your mind and body.  



Connection with others is so important for a positive mental state. Surrounding yourself with people who build you up and taking the opportunity to give back to your community can make all the difference. Additionally, connecting with the earth by walking barefoot (aka grounding) and being in nature has been shown to elicit powerful effects on your mental well-being. 


What will you start today to bring yourself closer to optimal mental health? 


Asher Kleiber  

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™