8 Natural Remedies for Constipation
Constipation is a common and often embarrassing issue that people tend to shy away from discussing. Most people don’t know what their stool is supposed to look like, or the importance of having healthy, complete bowel movements. Many simply pop a laxative or become dependent on coffee for their morning BMs, without questioning why they’re struggling to execute one of the most basic functions of the human body: pooping! Being the body’s main route of elimination and detoxification, there aren't any areas of your health not affected by your ability to eliminate properly.
What You Want to See:
Proper BMs 2-3x/day (lean towards 3 if you have a chronic illness)
Fully formed, S-shaped, “foot-long floaters”
Easily passed, no straining
Medium brown colour
No clumps or hard stools
No undigested food
No “skid marks” in the toilet (hello mucus and inflammation!)
Nothing too soft
Constipation From Dehydration
The most underrated and underutilized tool for preventing and treating constipation is water! Water helps move waste throughout the body, aiding the elimination of toxins, chemicals (such as those in cleaning products), excess hormones, heavy metals, pathogens and food. Low water intake causes constipation because there isn’t enough fluid in the colon to hydrate the stool. Instead of passing through easily and quickly, it becomes hard, clumpy and begins to ferment, causing gas, pain, bloating and foul odors.
Swap Your Carbs
Adequate fibre is necessary for colon health. Refined carbohydrates and sugars contain virtually no fibre, feeds harmful microbes, and are one of the biggest enemies of a healthy digestive system. Swap baked goods, bread, crackers and excess sugar for whole grains and high-fibre carbs like sweet potato and beets. If this seems overwhelming, I offer online consultations as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and would love to get you moving in the right direction!
Fix Your Bathroom Position
It seems strange, but bathroom posture makes a big difference! When going to the bathroom, put your bent legs up on a stool so you’re in a squatting position - just as if you’re squatting in the woods! This puts the spine and colon in a better, more relaxed position for proper elimination. It really works!
Increase Fibre & Prebiotic Foods
Adequate fibre intake, especially prebiotics, is key to keeping our gut bugs happy and waste moving efficiently. While both insoluble and soluble fibre are needed for a healthy gut, insoluble fibre, which is indigestible, becomes food for our gut bacteria and helps bulk the stool, playing an important role in the prevention and alleviation of constipation.
Prebiotic Fibre Sources:
Underripe bananas
Raw garlic
Insoluble Fibre Sources:
Beans, lentils and legumes
Oats and whole grains (I’d stick to gluten-free grains)
Coconut flour
Leafy greens
Sweet potatoes
Apples and pears with skin
Food Allergies Cause Constipation
Hidden food allergies are big contributors to constipation! If you’re eating gluten, dairy, eggs, corn and soy, you may want to consider a trial elimination diet or at least reducing their intake. However, with a leaky gut, we can become sensitive to any food or substance over time until the gut is healed. Some people with gut issues may also have trouble digesting certain carbohydrates and grains.
Castor oil packs
Castor oil packs are an ancient constipation remedy and are cheap and easy to do. They can also be used to gently detox the liver, support hormone balance and work wonders for menstrual cramps!
Move Your Body!
This one may be obvious, but how often are you exercising and moving throughout the day? Exercise stimulates intestinal peristalsis and helps you stay regular.
Supplements for Constipation
Getting my clients on a personalized supplement protocol is an important part of healing. Some supplements that have been shown to support regular bowel movements include magnesium, vitamin C, probiotics, psyllium seed, cascara sagrada and aloe vera. Digestive enzymes and HCl can also help. Always work with an educated health professional.
Feel like you’ve tried everything to support your gut health and don’t know the next step? Let’s connect and see how we can get your gut in tip top shape again! Send me an email at asher@flourishnaturalwellness.com or find me on social media @flourishnaturalwellness!
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